
  • Getting Luton’s knock-offs?

    I popped down Dunstable town centre this afternoon and saw the pitiful state of our Christmas tree. Few branches, devoid of decorations beyond a pointless string of blue and white lights, and looking as if it’s already had too much sherry, we have to ask if we are just getting Luton’s hand-me-downs.

  • Christmas treats

      This arrived in the office yesterday for my team. Pretty delicious stuff!

  • At the end of the road…

    At the end of the road…

    Living in Dunstable has it’s downsides, with absolutely nothing to do (and Luton’s no better). But being stuck on the edge of the Chiltern Hills can have it’s benefits. Here’s Blows Downs (Dunstable’s second best Downs) on a really dull day (what can I say, it’s December!).

  • Lunar Eclipse

    Lunar Eclipse

    Today saw the last lunar eclipse until 2014. A lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, Earth and moon are lined up, with the Earth in the middle. With thanks to Jonathan Poh

  • Red Bull Promo

    Red Bull Promo

    Formula One World Champions Red Bull are holding a demonstration in Milton Keynes tomorrow (10th December 2011). They brought one of their show cars to my local supermarket for publicity.

  • The Black Cat

    The Black Cat

    This is what awaits me when I get to work. A giant statue of a cat. There’s another one the other side of the doorway, making a pretty impressive entrance.

  • Arsenal v Man City

    Arsenal v Man City